Saturday, July 10, 2010

And so it begins

This inaugural post is all about me. The 'About Me' gadget doesn't really give enough space, so I'll give some background about me and what this blog is all about.

First off, I am Canadian and I brew beer. I live in the US though, Minnesota to be more specific. My job brought me here some years back and while I brewed back in Canada, being here has really opened up some opportunities. I am fortunate to live in an area with a phenomenal homebrewers club as well as two great homebrew supply stores, Northern Brewer and Midwest Supplies. The club has really helped me figure out what works and what doesn't for my brewing, as well as opened up my eyes (and taste buds) to different styles. Having easy access to supplies makes opportunistic brewing possible. I would not want to live somewhere that required me to plan my brewing weeks in advance, mail order supplies, etc.

The purpose of this blog is primarily a place for me to log my brewing sessions. I've used notebooks, text files, etc., but they seem to be a hassle. We'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll post other stuff, maybe not.

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